A car breathalyzer, also known as an ignition interlock device, requires drivers to give a breath sample prior to starting their cars. If the breathalyzer detects a certain amount of alcohol, the car simply will not start. A breathalyzer (or breathalyser) is a device for estimating the level of blood alcohol content (BAC) from a breath sample.
Breathalyzer don't directly measure blood alcohol content or concentration, which requires the analysis of a blood sample. Instead, they estimate BAC indirectly by measuring the amount of alcohol in one's breath. Because the alcohol concentration in the breath is related to that in the blood, you can figure the BAC by measuring alcohol on the breath.
How a Car Breathalyzer Works
Car breathalyzer known also as Ignition interlocks are fairly simple in theory but use sophisticated software and hardware to prevent tampering. Most ignition interlocks that are ordered by a court must be installed by a trained and certified installer. The system is attached to your ignition based on which vehicle that you own. The Car breathalyzer is powered by your vehicle. In order to start your vehicle you must blow into the device. If alcohol is detected above a preset limit, the engine will not start. Most interlocks will monitor what the BAC is, as well as the start and stops the vehicle makes. For DUI offenders, this data is sent to the court either weekly or daily wirelessly. If you are above the allowed BAC, your engine will not start.
As the driver continues using the vehicle, the Car Breathalyzer will randomly ask for more breath samples to insure that the driver has not consumed access alcohol after they started the vehicle. If the driver fails to provide a sample or the sample contains too much alcohol, the Car Breathalyzer will log this information and send it to the courts that are monitoring it.
LifeSafer was an originator of the ignition interlock industry in 1991, and has contributed significantly to the advancement of interlock devices. We have been instrumental in convincing lawmakers of the merits of allowing you, the client, to obtain legal driving privileges by installing an interlock, which has led to widespread utilization and success of interlock programs nationwide.
LifeSafer interlocks have been used by more than 600,000 people and are the most widely used in the U.S. today. Our network of 800+ installation and service locations is a unique organization of locally operated interlock specialists who are dedicated to you, the interlock client, as their sole customer.
For more information about Car Breathalyzers and Igntion Interlock Devices, please visit us at http://www.lifesafer.com